Emunah Short Stories Updates : Book 5 Launch. Mei

Book 5. Mei

Pursued by those who want her dead, Mei finds new purpose as a rescue pilot.

Former clone handler for Beast Corp realises the truth behind the Immortality Project. She flees and finds new purpose with the rebels as a rescue pilot.

Her past returns to haunt her, slaughtering those close to her. A gripping thriller that will keep you up at night.

If you like stories with strong female protagonists, you'll love Mei.

Launches 9 September 2024

Free ebook giveaway weekend

This weekend, I'm giving away Abigail on Smashwords. Get the book for free by using the coupon code XJSRN when you check out.

If you haven't got it yet, grab your free copy now.

Promo ends 8 Sep 2024

Have a great weekend!

Your sincerely


113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Janice Wee. Fiction Author.

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